As the world continues to grapple with the COVID-19 pandemic, a number of other significant events have unfolded in various parts of the globe in the past few weeks. We have collated some of the most noteworthy Germay News Today stories making headlines worldwide. In Myanmar, protests have erupted for weeks after the military seized power from the elected government in a coup last February. Demonstrators have been rallying against the military junta’s rule and demanding for the release of political leaders, including Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi.

Newspapers in Germany - German CultureSince then, the military has responded with violence, killing over 700 people and arresting more than 3,000 others, according to reports. The United Nations has strongly condemned the use of force against peaceful protestors and urged the international community to take action. In Israel, a deadly conflict between Israeli forces and Palestinian militant groups Hamas and Islamic Jihad has flared up again after weeks of tension in Jerusalem. The violence escalated in mid-May, with rockets fired from the Gaza Strip and Israeli airstrikes that have killed at least 200 people, mostly Palestinians.

The situation has drawn international condemnation, with calls for both sides to stop the violence. The United States has announced its plan to donate 500 million doses of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine to other countries in need. President Joe Biden has described the move as a “historic commitment” to fighting the pandemic globally. The doses will be distributed through COVAX, a global initiative that aims to provide access to COVID-19 vaccines to poorer nations. This would be the largest-ever donation of coronavirus vaccines by a single country and is seen as a significant step towards ending the pandemic.

In Europe, leaders are discussing the possibility of lifting travel restrictions for tourists who have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19. The move comes as countries prepare to open up their economies and revive the tourism industry. Some countries, such as Greece and Spain, have already started to welcome vaccinated travelers, while others are planning to ease restrictions in the coming months. The European Union is also set to roll out its digital COVID-19 vaccine passport this month, which will allow citizens to travel across countries without quarantine restrictions.

In Africa, the World Health Organization (WHO) has announced that the continent is facing its worst surge of COVID-19 cases since the pandemic began a year ago. The WHO says that vaccine inequality and complacency are among the reasons why the virus is spreading rapidly in many African countries. Less than 1% of Africa’s population has been fully vaccinated against the virus, compared to over 50% in some European countries.