These units are typically larger in size and usually more expensive. Desktop vaporizers provide the best quality vapor, and last longer. Dry herb vaporizers can use conduction or convection heating. If you can’t decide between the two, you might be able to get a combination vape.

The only one you will see if you are looking at a marijuana plants with your naked eye is the second. This is probably why some people refer trichomes to hair-like (“trichome”) is actually the Greek term for “hair”. The tiny glands that produce cannabinoids or terpenes from cannabis trichomes are called cannabis trichomes.

You’ll find THC distillate and CBD distillate when you search for a distillate. There are also some cannabinoid-combo distillates. A distillate is exactly as it sounds: a concentrated extract made with a solvent to extract one or more cannabinoids. THC distillates can be extremely potent and have THC levels as high as 90%. Although some companies may add terpenes to the distillate, most distillates lack flavor or aroma due to the fact that the terpenes have been destroyed during distillation. Wax, also known as propane hash oils or butane hash, is a form of butane (or propane) hash oil created by forcing butane through cannabis to extract its resin. After the product cools, it is agitated. This is what gives the wax its gooey texture.

Vape pens that use a conduction heating method generally use a heating element that comes into direct contact with your herbs. This heating method creates vapor more quickly than convection portablevaporizers. But it can also combust products being vaporized. Conduction vape pens can be more convenient and cheaper than convection tabletop vaporizers –,. However, they produce less pure and smooth vapor than a convection vape pen. Tronian Milatron is a portable dry herb vaper that is so efficient, it can help you to save money on dry herbs. This Budget Beast comprises features like a hybrid heating chamber, which is nice and wide for easy loading and cleaning.