Finding Opportunities In The Voice Over Industry

Union work typically pays residuals as your performance continues to be used. Eventually your goal needs to be to work AFTRA and SAG jobs obtained for you by a franchised representative. The top of the mountaintop in voice over work is union tasks. Union jobs are...

Should I Voice It Myself?

You need an area that is away from the plumbing (so you don’t tape the toilet flush!) but close to your computer. Carpet the walls of the closet so you don’t get your voice bouncing around, providing that echo-ey noise to your recordings. You can purchase...

Active And Passive Voice

Reading and Radio Resource is a non-profit organization that does audio books and CD for Instagram (Www.Google.Com) the blind, aesthetically impaired and ADD/ADHD trainees. You read books, papers or do a radio show and the end product is offered to the worthwhile...