President Joe Biden signed a series of executive orders on Wednesday to reverse some of the policies implemented by his predecessor, Donald Trump. The orders are aimed at reviving efforts to combat climate change, protecting the environment, and reforming the US immigration system. Biden’s first order rejoined the Paris climate agreement, a landmark international treaty aimed at limiting global warming. Trump withdrew the United States from the agreement, arguing that it hurt the country’s economy.

Biden has promised to put the US back in the accord and Canadian News Today make fighting climate change a priority of his administration. Another executive order was aimed at stopping Trump’s rollbacks of environmental protections. The Trump administration eliminated dozens of rules and regulations aimed at protecting air and water quality, including limits on methane emissions from oil and gas drilling. Biden’s executive order aims to begin the process of reinstating those regulations. Biden also signed an order to create a new climate cabinet, which will coordinate the administration’s efforts to tackle climate change across all branches of government.

6 months agoThe cabinet will be headed by a special envoy for climate, who will also serve as a member of the National Security Council.