“When is Free not REALLY Free?” copyright 2001-02 John Evans We all like to get something for free. Whether it’s free software, free advertising, free ebooks, or free coupons, they’re fun to get. But when is free REALLY free? “When there are NO strings attached!” Period. Nada. Nothing. Absolutely NONE! For instance, every once in a while, I’ll click on a free offer, which only takes me to another page, dania praca kierowca and dam pracę elektryk before I can really get the “freebie”, I have to first “click here” to see their sales pitch.

Or “click here to qualify for your free ….” Qualify? THAT is a string, and there should be NO strings attached, of any kind. Because if there are “qualifications”, then the item JUST ISN’T FREE! How many times has this happened to you? You receive in the mail an invitation to receive a free gift. And all you have to do is, 1. Take a tour of our new facility, or 2. Take a test drive, or 3.Listen to our 3 hour sales pitch? Those are qualifications (strings attached). If you have a useful offer for your visitors, Szklarz Anglia and you say it’s free, then MAKE it FREE!

Don’t make them have to ‘qualify’, or click here, and dam pracę doncaster here, and here. Don’t put any kind of barrier in front of them. Don’t make them jump hurdles, or through hoops. If you do, then you’re doing a disservice to your visitors. And what are visitors? They are potential customers. So treat them fair. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ copyright2001-02 John Evans website You can use this article but please leave it intact.


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